Inspired Grace

Amazing Grace

It has been too long

Since your voice was heard

Tenseness asks

To let go again


How Sweet the sound

Wild noise surrounds our

Failure to listen

Your whisper

Contained to silence


That saved a wretch

By choice we decide

To see or not see

Waiting for

What’s here all along


Like me

Understanding your presence

Embodies peaceful


Even in chaos


I once was lost

Despair covets the

Heart of our matter


How far we have come.


But now am found

Remembering soon

Brings understanding

I seek you

Even in darkness


Was blind

Recognition failed

As clouds covered help’s


Where love awaits us


But now I see

Eyes open or closed

Your softness welcomes

Light once more

A welcome presence


Amazing Grace once more

Inspired by a conversation with a friend in August that brought GRACE to mind on my walk, and a stanza of the hymn ‘Amazing Grace’ by John Newton, December 1772

No matter what challenges you are enduring, may you always know that GRACE is here with you.

Poetry and Photography by Susan LePlae Miller


If you would like to do a reading, drawing, painting, photo of any of my poems I would love to add YOUR voice and form of expression to the collection, please reach out. These pages will be built on an ongoing basis, there is no rush.

My hope is to have each of the poems read and interpreted in many art forms, by multiple people. and be added to this collection, reach out via the website or via Susan LePlae Miller on LinkedIn